Agreement process button blocks OpenERP server
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Agreement process button blocks OpenERP serverIn last stable OpenERP server v. 5.0.6. I create a methodology, a service and an agreement. When I press Process button in agreement form, the server is blocked showing this message repeatedly on console:
Exception exceptions.RuntimeError: 'maximum recursion depth exceeded' in <bound method Cursor.__del__ of <sql_db.Cursor object at 0x9178f8c>> ignored Server no accepts any connection, I must restart the server but when it is started, it follows with the same repeated error and is blocked another time. I've discovered that two scheduled actions has been created (ir.cron) _run_filters and _prolong. I can restart the server correctly if I go to database and change active field of _prolong scheduled action to False, so I suppose the _prolong method has some problems with OpenERP 5.0.6 (or I have forgotten to configure something). Do you have any idea about the problem? BTW, congratulations for account_invoicing set of modules. It is a nice module, well designed and very useful for IT companies. Do you think about creating a launchapd project for it like IT resource manager for Oerp? Jordi
Re: Agreement process button blocks OpenERP serverIt seems that the problem is inside the _prolong and _prolong_optimized methods. They write the ir.cron object and the write, created and unlink methods process pending scheduled actions creating a infinite recursion.
I think the solution is to change these lines in _prolong and _prolong_optimized methods: self.pool.get('ir.cron').write(cr, uid, ... to: cr.execute("update ir_cron set active=%s, numbercall=%s" ...
Re: Agreement process button blocks OpenERP serverok.. i got around that warning..was creating a new analytic account explicitly and trying to generate invoice. So instead i created a new project, and the analytic a/c was created automatically.
Re: Agreement process button blocks OpenERP serverI really like your way of expressing the opinion and sharing the information.
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