How to create a methodology - Project customization

How to create a methodology - Project customization

Postby dutchman77 » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:43 pm


First of all, I would like to thank you for this module. It seems to be exactly what we needed for our company. At least, that's our first impression...

As we try to create a new methodology, following the steps of this document we found out that is impossible to create any.

In "General" tab: we don't know exactly what it means "Model", and it doesn't matter what we select there, after that we cannot select any field. The same occurs with the subsequent forms, we cannot modify anything at all.

Trying to select "Advanced" tab, it's the same situation. It seems like we don't have the right permission (we can see the fields and check boxes, but cannot modify anything at all). It's strange since we logged in as Admin.

Maybe we're missing some previous steps of the customizing. What we try to do is to set a method to invoice monthly some phone lines and Internet access for our customers.

We would be very thankful if you could help us with this customizing, as our company needs to define these steps to use this promisingly strong and powerful module. This issue is blocking us from taking any advantage of this great ERP.

Thanks in advance,
Last edited by dutchman77 on Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to create a methodology!! Blocking project

Postby sraps » Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:06 pm

Well, it is complicated to tell what is the problem, still I'll make a guess...

I assume, that you can not change the Record Filter and Calculation fields right at the bottom, right? If so there is one basic reason, you have to specify the Name, Model and Field and Calculation base fields then press Create button. This is because the rest of definition will be dependent on the model and their fields. That is why you have to define them in a first place, and only then proceed.

So what is the model? It is the data you would like to report on (for telco, this would be the call log), or this could be any other OpenERP model. There should be field referring to a Partner or it's Contact (this is the connection to the particular partner defined in each Agreement).

Advanced tab, this is for all the advanced cases, when you want to match the records you report on with the particular partner. For example if the call log do not refer to a partner directly, but to the calling number instead, which is then connected to the partner. In this case you have to write the filters yourself.

Invoicing in itself is not a trivial task, still we tried to include as much features as we could. As far as I know, it is most flexible tool around, not only for free ERP systems, but among many other mainstream proprietary ERP systems as well.

If you feel like not writing the invoicing methodologies yourself, you are welcome to contact us, and I am sure we could provide reasonable support for this task.

Best regards,
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Re: How to create a methodology - Project customization

Postby dutchman77 » Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:45 pm

Hi Kaspars,

Thank you very much for your answer. If you don't mind I'll send you a PM so you can know further details about our needs.

Damian Alvarez
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Re: How to create a methodology - Project customization

Postby gilroy » Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:07 pm

This is a strange issue, cause sometimes it does correctly his job and sometimes does not.
I'm trying restarting the server, but it does't has any effect. The prolong just does't work.
Another thing is, when I go back to the methodology, the quantity expression and description expression are blank.
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Re: How to create a methodology - Project customization

Postby mohsinj677 » Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:28 pm

:evil: This post is so great and nice :evil:

This is a strange issue, cause sometimes it does correctly his job and sometimes does not.
I'm trying restarting the server, but it does't has any effect. The prolong just does't work.
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