behavior of the default print button
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behavior of the default print buttonHello!
First, thanks for the nice reporting engine, works quite good so far. keep up the good work! Now to my problem: I want to change the behavior of the standard "Quotation/Order Print Button" to let it print my new shiny aeroo report. What is the best way to achieve this? I read several threads about this issue, but nobody seems to have an answer. hope you guys will ![]() By the way: I'm using OpenERP 6.1.1 with aerooreports from trunk Thanks in advance! qwertz
Re: behavior of the default print buttonBest way is to write small module, that inherits default existing rml (replace necessary rml report with aeroo) and installs your created report- should use parser in that report e.g.
from import journal_print class Parser(journal_print): def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context): super(Parser, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context) self.localcontext.update({})
Re: behavior of the default print buttonHey! Thanks, I'll try it soon.
Re: behavior of the default print buttonHi All,
I would like to know how can I generate a line item number for tables created in OpenOffice Writer. All of my aeroo reports was based in .odt template and I would like to know the procedure on how to create a column that will have its row automatically filled with incremental number. rahul
Re: behavior of the default print buttonNice surprise about this shorter form. Can you tell us what it is you are talking/writing about?
Has any info. about this shorter form been posted before (and i just missed it)? pass4sure
SCJP ISC-index SAS-Institute-index CompTIA-Linux-plus
Re: behavior of the default print buttonAmongst the set of options that agents choose from, the default option is the option the chooser will obtain if she does nothing. Less conservative interpretations of default options include options that are normative or suggested. Experiments and observational studies show that making an option a default increases the likelihood that it is chosen
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